A Long Weekend in North Florida, Near the GA Border; Nov 5th, 2019

Yep, we still have our Winnefred Mulligan, our 1991 Toyota Winnebago Warrior. Since we've been back from our epic Arctic Circle adventure we've been pretty busy. We bought a house that needed a TON of work, just to be able to live in it. It was built around 1890 here in St. Augustine, FL. No one had lived in it for 40 years, or so we'd been told. We made a space for our little RV and built one of those tarp and pipe canopy covers to keep the rain and sun off the roof. We have an electrical outlet beside it so we can keep a trickle charger on the starting battery. We run her once a month, take a drive for a few miles to keep her in shape. Also, when we got back from our Arctic trip, we had to repair the support beams under the back of the RV. Toyota made the original support beams that extend a couple of feet beyond the back wheels. Winnebago added 3 or 4 feet to that. You can see the weld where they were extended. Well, we had too much weight on the back of her. A hitch mo...