Grand Canyon Arrival, Sunday March 7, 2021

Adam, in awe Wow. Of course these pics do not do it justice. So amazing! you could just stare out at it for hours. We got to our campsite and got ourselves settled in. No hookups at all. No electric. No water. No sewer. We knew that though when we booked. Too cold for water anyway as we do not have one of those fancy electrically heated hoses. The temps during the day were a very comfortable and sunny 60F. The temps drop quickly though once the sun goes down. It was Adam's birthday today! So we had a celebratory meal of roast salmon and asparagus. Adam also got a Red Velvet birthday cupcake, his favorite flavor! The temp inside the RV got up to a balmy 82F with our little portable propane heater. The temps outside got down to about 36F I think. We were very cozy under our super thick duvet and we slept very, very well. More coming soon! See our real-time location with our InReach from Garmin. Out location is updated automatically every 4 hours