56 - July 28 & 29, 2018, Hyder, AK & Stewart, BC

Hyder, AK & Stewart, BC
We enjoyed our time here in both of these towns.

You can always find us in real-time with Garmin

This is a little bar where you can drink a shot of Everclear and get "Hyder-ized" - we chose not to do this ;-)


We drove to the "Wildlife Viewing Area," just outside of Hyder. We got there in the evening around 9pm, they close at 10pm. Apparently, we just missed 4 black bear fishing in the creek. There's a nice boardwalk set up so that you can view the bears or wolves from above.  There's also a US Forestry guy with a loaded shotgun, ready to fire in an emergency.

We did see lots of big salmon splashing in the very shallow creek. I'm afraid they're hard to spot in the photos though.

We also saw a lot of evidence of bears trampling the brush along the edge of the creek. We also saw a beaver in an adjacent creek dragging a huge branch to his dam.
We spent the night in Hyder, parked out on a parking lot which was on a little spit of land, jutting out into the seawater. There was a boat launch out there and not much else. Beautiful spot. Nice and cool since we were surrounded by the cool water and not too many bugs for the same reason. Still very hot during the day.

I woke up early, 4:30 am, to move the RV back to the bear viewing area in the hopes that we could catch an early morning bear hunting for breakfast.

This is a photo of the moon just before it went behind the mountain. Not very dark for 4:30am

We got to the parking lot and looked out our window. No luck, and we fell back asleep fairly quickly. We woke up to find the parking lot full and the day starting to heat up again. We paid the $5 to go baxk into the viewing boardwalk, no luck again.

We drove back to the hardware store which was in Canada a mile or two away.

We found this great stuff!

We acquired 2 very small holes in our fuel tank. A rock or something must have hit it on the Dempster or something. We had a tiny leak that produced a huge smell. The hardware store guy showed us this stuff that was designed specifically for this issue. It's some sort of goo that you can smear on a tiny hole like ours, while it's leaking, and it will react with the gasoline and harden to a silicone-type substance. It acually uses the gas as a catalyst. Pretty cool!
One last trip back to the US side to check for bears. Still no luck. And back again through the Canadian border.

Seems like the American side doesn't take the border as seriously as the Canadian side

We left Hyder and Stewart and headed north. We had left our gas cap at our last fuel stop! 2 hours out of our way, the cap was still sitting on the fuel pump when we finally got back, so glad. Replacing it wouldn't be that big of a deal if we were closer to a large town, but we weren't.
