September 21, 2022, Back Home in St Augustine

Our approximate route . Our round trip was over 6100 miles or 9780 kilometers. We arrived last night into St Augustine around 9:30pm. House still standing! Our friend Terry has been cutting our grass for us and it looked great! Our final day of travel was hot. There was no doubt we were back in the south. Temps in the back, the RV part, were over 100F. I had a little 12v fan pointed at me. It seemed to move air, unfortunately, the air was hot. The air conditioning in the front, the truck cab, was struggling with the heat. But, it was trying to cool off the whole rig, which it was not designed to do. The rooftop AC unit works really well to cool off the living area. You need 110v for it to work ie, a generator or an extension cord. We anticipated this and were not at all surprised. The mountains were beautiful and scenic. The leaves on the trees were just about to change colors. Like I said before, in a month the leaves will be spectacular! As we appr...