September 21, 2022, Fancy Gap, Virginia
Check out our approximate route on Google Maps
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Pretty long driving day yesterday. It was a 12 + hour driving day. At least we are through most of the major urban areas. We chose the longer, less direct route around NY City, DC and Philadelphia. Turns out, LOTS of truckers take our route to avoid the costly tolls. Our route was definitely crowded with tractor trailers. Our little rig can really only comfortably go about 60-65 mph (slower going uphill!)
We made it back to our first campground on our trip in Fancy Gap, VA. We got here after dark. Hooked everything up, ate a quick meal and fell soundly asleep. Gotta love our huge comfy bed! Yep, its a king and super comfy! I feel like we can do a lot more as long as we get a good night's sleep.
Adam was racing against time to get back to St Augustine by this evening so he could attend his Scottish Pipe Band rehearsal. He plays snare drum. His mentor and friend, Sabastian, just texted Adam this morning and told him not to rush back for this evening. Yay! We have a slightly more relaxed morning. Adam is cooking some of the sausages Ruth gave us. And the bacon. And he's got a big slice of homemade bread from Peter.

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