34 - Monday (pm), June 25, 2018, Minot, North Dakota, Walmart

 We're here, in Minot, North Dakota

We are getting pretty far up there.
No rain today which was nice. We can drive without the reflectix in the windows. It's shiny foil-like stuff used for insulation. We were using it in our windows to keep the main part of the RV cool when we drive. The truck cab has AC that works well, but it can't cool the whole RV. The Reflectix works pretty well to keep it cool inside. Anyway, we didn't need it.
Tonight is another Walmart night. The Village in is adjacent to the Walmart parking lot and has great free wifi, good for making blog posts. We'll be pulling into Canada tomorrow so we'll pick up any last minute stuff while we're here.

Adam has been trying to run in the mornings before we leave. This morning he did a 3 mile run before breakfast.

Adam pulled over so he could get some pictures of the scenery

Starting to get a few more hills

We stopped at Paradiso for lunch

We did not expect to sea a seagull in the parking lot

Without any rain, Winnefred is getting buggy up front. We stopped for gas and it was a matter of a few minutes before the local black flies were all over the dead bug carcasses on the front.

More nice scenery. Such an easy, low stress drive.

The view from the back, Sheila Weela is comfy on the couch

We actually overtook this truck. Well, it was only going about 30 mph and was loaded with farm equipment.

A few hills

When these big rigs pass us, our whole little RV shudders.

Tomorrow it's on to Canada, and I think we may try to park at a casino overnight.
